
Radically boost your enrollment calls & cut your cost per booking in half with an appointment setter.

"We just grew our business 42% without increasing our ad spend!"
- RESULTS Coaching 

What Appointment Setters Can Do
for you and your team:

Increase Bookings

Decrease Costs

Increase Conversion Rates

List Management

Social Media Engagement

Increase Show Rates

Improved Quality of Prosprect

Follow Up Support

“By leveraging a setter team we doubled our number of meetings in the first 90 days!”

– Neurogym

Benefits of an Appointment Setter Team:

Appointment Setters Work with the tools
you Already use... 
and then some!

Why leveraging an Appointment Setter
is a No brainer

Made for Coaching teams of all sizes and niches.

Maximize Your Team

Allow your team to focus on what's most critical for revenue generating activities...Boost your bookings 20-50%.

Save Money

Get more out of your existing ad spend. You're already spending money on for the leads, get more out of that spend.

See Better Results

Improve your conversion rates by harnessing the power of edification and solid filtering of prospects.


We’ll do the heavy lifting for you. We are constantly recruiting and vetting quality talent. We sift 1,000’s of applicants through our system every month in search of the best industry has to offer. Our placement manager has 20+ years of experience both in the appointment setter role as well as recruiting, hiring and managing appointment setter teams. Applicants go through 4 rounds of screening before being matched with our clients.

They will work any/all leads to help fill your calendar. We see on average an increase in bookings of 30%+ (some as high as 100% increase). Appointment Setters are skilled in scheduling and thus will increase your show rate. Additionally, using proper scripting they will boost credibility and certainty and thus support in increasing conversion rates.

We source quality candidates/applicants from the US and Canada (UK and Aus if needed). They are contracted support and we recommmend they work when lead flow is highest, so that the mass majority of your leads are properly supported.

YES! We guarantee our Appointment Setter placements for 30 days. Meaning, if the initial placement does not work out for some reason we will help place another until they stay on board for a minimum of 30 days.

This is up to you and how you run your business. We are here to support with best practices should you need guidance or support. Once your technology training is complete it shouldn’t take more than 1-3 days of training to get your appointment setter producing results.

Reach out to our Placement manager as we can help recruit and place Appointment Setters, Sales Specialists, Admin Support as well as Coaches.

This depends on the cadence of connection and training meetings you currently run. For the first month expect extra training and support, but after that a once per week meeting she be adequate.

Simply click the “Get Started” button below, fill out the form, and our Placement Manager will reach out to you to get you started!

Have an additional question? Email us at concierge@empirepartners.io